The British Republicans
"I do declare and promise that I will be true and faithful to the Commonwealth of England as the same is now established, without a King or House of Lords."
Oath of Engagement, 1649
Commonwealth of England
Tom Paine
For more than 350 years republicans in Britain have advanced the cause of democracy,
fighting for the rights of the people. You can read more here about this proud British heritage that you will find little of in the version of history favoured by the British establishment.
One class of citizen is not allowed to sit in the British legislature - republicans.
A republican elected as a member of parliament who refused to swear loyalty to the Windsors would be expelled "as if he were dead" but only after being fined £500.
Metropolitan Police "disappear" republicans so day of monarchist "joy" not marred. But no police bias says complaints commission.
The Electoral Commission has refused to register "Monarchy is Racist,
End Monarchy Referendum" as the name of a political party because, "in our view the proposed name could cause offence to voters."