British Monarchists Dismayed By Canadian Poll

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An option poll commissioned by Canadian friends of Charles Windsor, son of Canada’s British head of state, has backfired.

While most of those polled agreed that the monarchy had had an important place in the history of the former British colony, more than 60% believed that it was outdated. A majority said monarchy was out of step with the times.

According to Canada’s CBC News, which obtained the poll results, British supporters of the feudal institution are dismayed. The assistant editor of the Daily Telegraph told the news channel “This is devastating, truly devastating for the Prince of Wales (Mr. Windsor) and he’ll be very upset by it, and her majesty (Mr. Windsor’s mother) will be very disappointed too. If people are indifferent to the monarchy, the Queen and Prince of Wales, it’s finished,” he added.”

Canadians under age 24, who might be expected to be less sympathetic towards monarchy than older citizens, were excluded from the monarchists’ poll.

The results of the poll were publicised shortly before a visit by Mr. Windsor intended to bolster the reputation of his family with Canadians. He is paid approximately £20m annually by British taxpayers for being the son of the head of state.



