Italian “Prince” Admits Killing

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The admirers of monarchy might benefit from reading about the antics of the man who might be “king” of Italy had that republic not freed itself from the absurdities of hereditary right in a 1946 referendum.
According to newspaper reports Vitorio Emanuele, son of Italy’s last “king”, has been recorded admitting to murder. Mr. Emanuele is said to have told a cellmate that he shot a 19-year old in 1978. A French court in 1991 acquitted him of unintentional homicide. In the recording he says that he “conned those French judges” and described the magistrates investigating him now as “penniless, envious turds”.
The man who might have inherited the throne in Italy is under house arrest on suspicion of recruiting prostitutes from eastern Europe and corrupt business deals involving gambling. In another recording he asked a business associate to “give a good slapping” to a prostitute.



