Australian Majority Want Liz To Go

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Recent opinion polls in Australia suggest that
a substantial majority of Australians want Liz Windsor replaced as their head of state by an Australian. The polls also show a majority of Australians wanting the process to begin in 2004.
A December 2003 poll by Newspoll and The Australian showed 51% of Australians wanting Australia to become a republic.
In January 2004 a poll by The Sunday Telegraph and Newspoll asked a series of questions to assess attitudes to the flag, the national anthem, Australia Day and Australia’s Head of State. Some 57% of those polled wanted a new referendum to decide whether or not Australia should become a republic to be held in 2004. 64% of respondents said they would prefer an Australian head of state, up from 56% in 1995. Only 30% wanted to keep Liz Windsor, down from 36% in 1995.



