The File on Charlie

A Prince But Not a Star
Educating Charlie
Pocketing It Like an Oligarch
A Highness in Low Places
In the Post
Knows What He Dislikes
Doctor Windsor
A Man of Religions
Windsor at Work

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Charlie Is No Darling

Born To Be Privileged

Charlie Windsor is probably the most pampered, petulant and self-pitying of his family.

When staying with friends he is unwilling to live differently to his home life. He sends a truck full of furniture to replace the hosts'. It contains complete bedrooms for Windsor and his wife, including bed linen, radio, toilet seat, lavatory paper, whiskey, bottled water and landscape paintings.

"Nobody knows what utter hell it is to be Prince of Wales" Charles Windsor

The pampered prince also has his own organic food delivered rather than eat what his hosts might provide.

Sometimes he just decides not to show up no matter what trouble friends have gone to preparing for his visit. Once he explained that he just could not walk away from the beauty of his garden.

"Duty is what I live – an intolerable burden" Charles Windsor

When this man with six homes travels he takes along a chef, two valets, his private secretary, a butler and bodyguards. The police assigned to protecting Windsor are expecting to take on other duties also, including carrying a flask with a ready-mixed Martini and the special glass for this “prince” to drink from.

The police also block off roads so that Windsor can speed in his Aston Martin car.

At one time he had four valets. He had so many so that two would be ready to help him change his clothes up to five times a day.

He employs multiple private secretaries. At St James's Palace visitors are escorted by three footmen, one each for three sections of the corridor. Guests are sometimes assigned an individual servant for the duration of their visit.

At home Windsor insists on being constantly attended to. An assistant stands by in his office until Windsor has gone to sleep. He subjects his staff to frequent tirades. When his office was not at the temperature he wanted Windsor complained that "It makes my life so unbearable".

His private secretary John Riddell complained that "He comes in, complains that his office is ' useless' and people cannot spell and the world is so unfair, then says: ' This is part of the intolerable burden I put up with. This incompetence!' "

At home the needs of Windsor's guests are secondary. He will arrive late for dinner if he does not want the first course. But guests are warned that they must not start breakfast before he arrives. At dinner the prince has been known to seize a small bowl of olive oil for himself. At a lunch in India he protested when another guest tried to take a slice of Italian bread. That loaf was for him alone he insisted.

Windsor refuses to use pesticides in his garden. So to remove weeds four gardeners would lie face-down in a trailer pulled towed slowly across the garden as they pull out the weeds. Others remove slugs from plants by hand at night.

Windsor's favourite movie is Gosford Park, which mirrors the class hierarchy he enjoys. Fellow movie-watchers have seen Windsor and wife fall asleep in throne-like armchairs as the film unfolded and the ice cream on silver platters melted.

"People think I'm bonkers, crackers. Do you think I'm mad?" Charles Windsor

Overnight guests who attend a Catholic church on Sunday met disfavour although from the man who had said he would like to be the protector of all faiths.

After a weekend at his Sandringham home guests were asked to leave £150 cash for the staff or to spend some money on souvenirs from the estate shop.

To promote his ideas for revitalising village life Windsor once spent almost £19000 on travelling to a pub in Penrith on the special railway train provided for his family. He insists on flying only on private planes.

The multimillionaire Windsor told the Greek king "We pulled short straw" Despite an annual income from the Duchy of Cornwall that has now reache £&&& he complained that he was short of cash.

This lie was supported by his one-time private sectetary Michael Peat. He told a journalist that "Charles does not enjoy a champagne and caviar lifestyle" He claimed that Windsor had only one car and did not own his own home. In fact Windsor had at least six cars at his disposal and as many homes. Taxpayers spent almost £6m refurbishing one of these homes for Windsor in 2003. Reasons for this behaviour Game face Acknowledgements:

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