Sate Church Not Barred from Payday Loan or Porn Investment

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Profit Maximisation Is Key

The Church of England, which likes to pose on the moral high ground while accepting the egregiously unwarranted privileges of a feudal church, has been embarrassed by its investment in a pay day lender that it had said it would like to put out of business. The state church has set up an inquiry to find out how this happened.

However, Jonathan Bartley, from the Ekklesia think tank suggested to the BBC that that might not have been necessary. “I don’t think the Church of England needs an inquiry” he said. “If you look at its policies, they’re very clear. The Church of England can invest in payday loan companies, or those that invest in payday loan companies, provided it’s not more than 25 per cent of their business. The 25% figure is exactly the same for pornography, gambling . . . in armaments it’s 10 per cent. They’ve gone down a route to maximise their profits; they’re absolutely explicit that they want to make 5 per cent above the rate of inflation.”



