Month: July 2012

  • Monarch Takes Pay Cut

    But It’s Not Windsor The “king” of Spain has taken a pay cut of £16,000, in response to the anger among Spanish people about their government’s tax increases and austerity budgeting. His son is to be paid £8,000 less than last year and other family members will also take cuts in their pay. In all…

  • Windsors Keep On Taking

    £31m From “Crown Estate” The Windsor family are to take £31m of the people’s money from the “Crown Estate” in 2012-13, the first year in which they will be allowed to take income from this vast public propert holding. However, spending on their their  “jubilee” celebrations to mark another 60 years of feudal privilege mean…

  • Australian Guides Drop Ban on Republicans

    The Girl Guides of Australia no longer require members to pledge allegiance to Elizabeth Windsor, Britain’s feudal head of state. The 29,000-member organisation consulted widely before ending the pledge. The Australian Republican Movement said that the change was a step towards that country becoming a republic. In Britain republicans are barred from Parliament, the judiciary…