Canadian TV Asks Whether Monarchy Has Future

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CBC TV in Canada will be broadcasting a documentary, called After Elizabeth II: Monarchy in Peril, on 12 November that questions whether the monarchy that country shares with Britain has a future.
The TV channel says that Charles Windsor, who is due to succeed his mother as hereditary head of state, “is not widely loved in Britain or abroad”. According to be broadcaster “His chequered past, quirky ideas and relentless desire to meddle in politics make him a liability to the monarchy itself”. The two Windsors next in line also present problems, says a CBC press release. One would be reluctant to take on the job and the other carries what is referred to as the “negative baggage” of his racist remarks.
The documentary “asks the once unthinkable question” says CBC, “Will the monarchy still be around after Elizabeth?”.
Under Britain’s feudal constitution only members of the Windsor family may be head of state.



