Spanish Monarchy Under Attack

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Nationalist attacks on the Spanish monarchy are putting national unity under pressure. Catalan nationalists have begun to protest against the feudal institution and have declared that they will campaign for its abolition as well as for independence for Catalonia.
The Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) nationalist party told the Financial Times that it was burning photographs of Spain’s hereditary head of state Juan Carlos Bourbon “to open a debate on the Spanish political system that was handed down by the fascist dictatorship”. Catalans have also shouted abuse at another member of the Bourbon family, Felipe Bourbon who is known as a “prince”.
The ERC has pushed home its attack with more than 100 objections in parliament to public spending on the monarchy. It is demanding that the position of armed forces commander-in-chief be taken from Mr. Bourbon senior.
According to press reports the socialist government is trying to play down these protests before upcoming national elections. In Catalonia it governs in coalition with the ERC. And it has sometimes had to depend on the support of the eight ERC deputies in the national parliament.
In an unprecedented public defence of his family’s privileges hereditary head of state Bourbon told students that the monarchy was responsible for Spain’s prosperity and stability. Mr. Bourbon has had wide support in Spain since he played an important part in preventing a military coup in 1981.



